If you are looking to venture out from Niagara on the Lake, here is a list of some of our favourite places in St. Kitts.

- Cafe Pique Nique piqueniquecafe.ca
- odd Bird Restaurant https://oddbird.ca/
- Fat Rabbit restaurant & butcher fat-rabbit.ca
- Rise Above Restaurant https://riseaboverestaurant.com/
- Dispatch Restaurant https://dispatchrestaurant.com/
- Vegan Donuts http://www.beechwooddoughnuts.com/
- Beauty & Lifestyle Shop https://www.gardencityessentials.ca/
- Frontier Barbers & Company
- Blackbeards Barber Shop http://www.theniagaraguide.com/style/blackbeards/default.htm
- Mindbomb Records mindbombrecords.com
- Ma Restaurant http://www.machinesecuisine.com/